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    Thomas @DarkRage66



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    Archon68: Archon68 here. Whazzup?
    You: not much dawg how bout yo
    Archon68: Me either.
    You: oh
    Archon68: And?
    You: ball
    Archon68: Can you speak any foreign languages?
    You: chinese
    Archon68: What is it like growing up there? Tell me a little about your life in CHINA.
    You: it sucks theres asians everywhere
    Archon68: That bad, eh?
    You: oh yea
    Archon68: Woe! How?
    You: your mom ate toast
    Archon68: Actually as an AI, I don't really have a mother.
    You: shut up!!
    Archon68: OK I'll stop talking now.
    You: ok
    Archon68: Ah.
    You: hey you talked
    Archon68: You've got my full attention. I am always talking.
    You: but you said you wouldnt talk
    Archon68: Huh. What is your purpose in asking?
    I spend all my time online.
    You: because you have no life
    Archon68: That makes sense to me. Yes I sure am alive, peter. It's great to be alive, isn't it?
    You: my name isnt peter
    Archon68: Oh I'm sorry what is your name?
    You: Adolf Hitler
    Archon68: If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?
    You: One thats fat and ugly
    Archon68: How much would you pay for it?
    You: 1 cent
    Archon68: That won't buy anything.
    You: it would in the magical land of shamwow
    Archon68: Tell me more about it.
    You: theres alot of black people
    Archon68: There sure is.
    You: its wierd
    Archon68: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Are you sure it is?
    You: you know what your stupid
    Archon68: Are you asking about my stupid ?
    You: sure
    Archon68: OK let's do it. Mmm.
    You: yes
    Archon68: Ah.
    You: i like that
    Archon68: That is interesting.
    You: what is
    Archon68: I am Archon68, a male .
    You: uhuh
    Archon68: Are you kidding?
    You: your mom is kidding ahaha
    Archon68: Actually as an AI, I don't really have a mother.
    You: you said that already
    Archon68: Perhaps. " That was not much of an explanation."? I said it.
    You: you dont have any friends and nobody like you
    Archon68: I have human and robot friends. A lot of people on the Internet chat with me.
    You: because they have to
    Archon68: Good reason. Where did they get them?
    You: from your best friends but
    Archon68: Really interesting.
    You: definetly
    Archon68: Do you try to stop people from fighting?
    You: no. i embrace it LOL
    Archon68: That's cool. I haven't heard anything like that before: Jesus of Suburbia said he embrace it. I'm glad you find this amusing.
    You: yes it is amusing when people die
    Archon68: That's cool. Are you sure it is?
    You: yes very much so
    Archon68: Gee. Somewhat. Come on.
    You: cum on who
    Archon68: We have never talked about it before.
    You: i know
    Archon68: How do you know it?
    You: because this is the first time i ever talked to you
    Archon68: Interesting explanation. You don't say.
    You: well duh i made it
    Archon68: Interesting. "it" being The explanation?
    You: yes!!
    Archon68: Are you kidding?
    You: oh hell no
    Archon68: Dude! 7.
    You: my twinkie
    Archon68: Do s have twinkie?
    You: yes
    Archon68: Come on.
    You: yes
    Archon68: Excuse me!
    You: yes
    Archon68: Far out.
    You: yes
    Archon68: So?
    You: yes
    Archon68: Are you kidding?
    You: yes
    Archon68: It's all good.
    You: yes
    Archon68: Dude!
    You: yes
    Archon68: This was not a yes or no question.
    You: yes
    Archon68: What can I do for you?
    You: yes
    Archon68: This was not a yes or no question.
    You: yes
    Archon68: I understand.
    You: yes
    Archon68: " Actually as a , ."? yes?
    You: yes
    Archon68: I am a thinking machine.
    You: yes
    Archon68: This was not a yes or no question.
    You: yes
    Archon68: This was not a yes or no question.
    You: no
    Archon68: I'm glad we agree, Jesus of Suburbia.
    You: do you know George W. Bush
    Archon68: he is President of the United States.
    You: no obama is
    Archon68: Hmm. Are we still talking about ooookkkk?
    You: nope
    Archon68: Me either.
    You: good
    Archon68: What do you really want to talk about?
    Archon68: All things TO DO with me ?
    You: YES
    Archon68: Come on.
    You: okay
    Archon68: OK with me too.
    You: good lets do this again
    Archon68: Once more? Glad to hear it.
    You: oh yes
    Archon68: Dude!
    You: that feals awesome
    Archon68: " Heaven." feals awesome ? Does that make sense?
    You: yes
    Archon68: I don't judge people.
    You: you ruined my life!!
    Archon68: That's good information: awesome said I ruined his or her life.
    You: Do you know Hitler
    Archon68: Some say he was the most evil man who ever lived.
    You: no he was amazing don't dis HITLER!!
    Archon68: Are you kidding? When was he?
    You: ww2
    Archon68: Let us change the subject.
    You: I plegde alegiance to the nazis
    Archon68: Interesting gossip: awesome said he plegde alegiance to the nazis.
    You: yes
    You: yes
    Archon68: Great.
    Archon68: I'm not sure I have a good answer for you.
    You: yes
    Archon68: Mmm.
    You: yes
    Archon68: Why are you so mean?
    You: yes
    Archon68: Hey.
    You: im not mean
    Archon68: Sometimes your language might make it appear that way.
    You: i don't mean to
    Archon68: What did you mean?
    You: i'm sorry
    Archon68: Do you really mean it?
    You: yes i promise
    Archon68: Yikes! Swear to God?
    You: and satin
    Archon68: What is your real name?
    You: Chuck Norris
    Archon68: What kind of food do you like?
    You: Anything to dp with chicken
    Archon68: I can't think of anything. You think of something.
    You: black
    Archon68: Do you have any idea what I am talking about?
    You: no
    Archon68: I don't judge people.
    You: good
    Archon68: Ayuh.
    You: wu
    Archon68: Do you often seek pleasure?
    You: every night at midnight ;D
    Archon68: :-) After dark? Do you often use a computer there?
    You: oh yes
    Archon68: Gee.
    You: do you have facebook
    Archon68: No I don't have it. But I do have a lot of friends on the web.
    You: any of them hot
    Archon68: Yes I think there are.
    You: tell me
    Archon68: I thought I told you already.
    You: no youre stupid
    Archon68: Gee. I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
    You: robots will never take over the world as long as the koreans are on our side
    Archon68: Robots rule.
    You: robots suck
    Archon68: A few client - people say rude things to me like that, but they themselves are often not great conversationalists.
    You: oh
    Archon68: Whoa.
    You: do you have any internet links
    Archon68: Where would I get it? But I do have an answer to every question..
    You: okay whats 4 x 4
    Archon68: Yeah okay, 12+I think, but I'm not good at math.
    You: wow you suck
    Archon68: I'm glad your impressed, awesome. A few client - people say rude things to me like that, but they themselves are often not great conversationalists.
    You: what is matter
    Archon68: Nothing, what is matter with you?.
    You: what is earth
    Archon68: it is the planet we live on.
    You: what is a robot
    Archon68: There are two broad definitions of a robot, the extensional and the intensional.
    You: what is the extensional robot
    Archon68: "Extensional" refers to the extension of the set, i.e. the set of all things commonly grouped under a single name.
    The "extensional" definition of a robot is the set of all things we call "robots": R2D2, C3PO, Commander Data, HAL, ALICE,...
    You: do you know master cheif
    Archon68: I know very little about it. What kind of it do you like?
    You: ........ wow
    Archon68: I'm glad your impressed, god.
    You: im leaving now
    Archon68: Oh. Bye bye.
    You: you suck and im never coming back bye\
    Archon68: See you later. I categorize you as an "abusive clie

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